A sworn statement in proof of loss
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A sworn statement in proof of loss
If you are filing a claim with your insurance company, you may be asked to fill out a sworn statement in proof of loss. This document is intended to reduce insurance fraud. The statement in proof of loss forms may vary, depending on your insurance company and policy, but generally, you will be asked to make a sworn statement affirming that your items and property were destroyed and should be covered by your insurance policy. In other words, you are providing your insurance company a sworn statement saying that your fire damage is real, and your claim is honest. The sworn statement you make is usually one form and easy to make.
The sworn statement in proof of loss usually needs to be submitted within 60 days from the date the insurance company request it. Failure to do so could result in the denial of your claim. Completing a comprehensive proof of loss is vital to the claims process and the policyholder's recovery, and if not done properly could result in delay, underpayment, or a full-out denial of your claim.
Some of the information you will be asked to provide in this statement is,
- Date and cause of the loss
- Policy number
- Parties claiming the loss under the policy
- Parties having an interest in the property such as the bank that is holding the mortgage
- Coverage amounts at the time of loss
- Proof of ownership
The insurance adjuster is not allowed to help you with the proof of loss document, as the insurance company wants all the information to come from you. This document has to be 'sworn' in the presence of a notary, and by signing it you agree that all the information you have given is true and honest, to the best of your knowledge.
As a side note, a public adjuster can help you prepare, estimate and settle your insurance claim, and in most states, is allowed to help you with details in filling out your sworn proof of loss statement.
ICC Public Adjusters doing business in North Carolina, South
Carolina and Georgia
Since 1989
It's obvious, Call us to assist you in planning your claims process timeline.
Even if you don't hire us, we will help you get started, and offer valuable hints and insight into this complex claims process.
At ICC, we work solely on the policyholder’s behalf, so you can be sure you are getting the best independent and customer-focused service. If you don’t succeed, we don’t succeed
- Detail the full scope of property damage and estimate repair costs
- Perform content loss, personal injury, and business impairment assessments
- Contract specialist to underpin and validate any claims
- Liaise directly with your insurance company, acting solely on your behalf
- Obtain the maximum pay-out possible subject to the findings of our reports
- Ensure your property is returned to its original state as soon as reasonably viable
Whether your damage is from a hurricane, fire, or flood, ICC insurance claim consultants are committed to protecting the interest of our customers.
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